Webinar: Transforming Education with Microsimulations
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June 30, 2020
June 30, 2020

The education landscape has dramatically shifted over the years and continues to do so amid the pandemic crisis. With the introduction of new modalities, one thing remains the same: the need to deliver an engaging and relevant experience to our students.
At Capsim, we believe students learn best by doing. Tune in to this webinar to explore how to create meaningful, bite-sized learning experiences that are authentic to the workplace and personalized to the learner.
Jordan Novak, VP of Product Design and Development at Capsim, shares practical use cases and best practices from the field to equip students with the skills needed for career success.
Want to build your own inbox simulation?
The CapsimInbox Authoring Platform is a free tool to create simulated email environments that bring real-world scenarios to life and assess essential career skills.