Webinar: Assessing and Developing Ethical Decision Making Skills
February 21, 2018
About the Webinar
Every business school has one goal in common: preparing students for career success. Reaching this goal means identifying, measuring, and improving the skills that are most critical to professional success. Large-scale surveys of employers routinely identify a common set of skills that are “must-haves” but at the same time are “hard to find” among graduates.
Solving this skill gap problem is essential to the effectiveness of business school education. The most critical business skills are known, but if you can’t measure these competencies, how can you develop them to ensure your students’ success?
Watch this webinar to learn about our newest addition to the CapsimInbox platform – CapsimInbox: Ethical Decision Making. CapsimInbox is a flexible, objective, and efficient simulation-based assessment tool designed to measure and help develop the hard-to-measure managerial skills such as soft skills, people management skills and even ethical decision making skills.