CapsimCore: Adapting to Your Approach & Priorities
February 28, 2018

In the last post highlighting CapsimCore, Implementing a Business Simulation Has Never Been Easier, we discussed how this adaptable business simulation can easily be added to any curriculum. Features, such as quick on-boarding and streamlined decision making, allow CapsimCore to be integrated without student confusion and resistance.
This time, we’re shifting the focus over to how CapsimCore provides you with an experiential learning platform that fits your instructional approach and priorities.
Let’s see how CapsimCore accomplishes this with a centralized learning location for all materials and a focused and customizable learning experience for your students.
Centralized Business Learning
Some courses require students to obtain and keep track of numerous books, notes, and other resources. This can result in a negative and frustrating experience for students, ultimately taking their attention away from learning and development. CapsimCore eliminates this potential issue by allowing both you and students, to find all course materials in one centralized location.
The CapsimCore fundamentals textbook and end-of-chapter quizzes are all in one location while your students are using CapsimCore. In addition, the ability to design your own quizzes allows you to assess student learning regarding specific topics and learning goals. These additional resources provide added value to your students’ learning experience, all in an organized and efficient way.
Additional learning materials and resources not only add value to your students’ CapsimCore experience, but also allow for flexible implementation in the classroom. This gives you, the professor, the flexibility to design and assign CapsimCore in your own unique way.
Automated Departments
Since this post is focusing on creating a deeper integration into your course, let’s go over CapsimCore’s automated department feature. During the simulation, you have the option to automate the decision making in any individual department. This gives you the ability to create an experience that more closely aligns with your own instructional approach and priorities.
What does this mean for you? CapsimCore can easily tackle numerous learning objectives. For example, if you’re implementing CapsimCore into two different courses, you can customize the experience for each of your classes – making each learning experience unique. By integrating CapsimCore into your course, you create a fun and engaging learning experience while meeting your core learning objectives.
Students learn and retain more when learning is experiential and organized. Consider incorporating this adaptable business simulation and experiential learning tool into your curriculum to guide your students toward a complete and fulfilling business education.
Click here to learn more about CapsimCore and request an instructor demo.
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